
Sleep-over Fun ||| Random Stuff

Just a conversation me and Susanna had.....

Susanna: Alright
Mercy: *Quiet*
Susanna: *Clears throat*Sighs* Hi!
Mercy: *Types* What were we going to post?
Susanna: Uhhhh, Something about posting about fun sleep-overs and taking photos on the web camera,  as you can see from the lovely one we posted below. *Mumbles happy birthday song*
Mercy: So we better start posting before I have to leave.
Susanna: Yeah, right. So Mercy is staying at our house because....why are you here again?
Mercy: Uhhh.....I forgot.
Susanna: Right! So we're having a very, very interesting sleep over.
Mercy: *hums weird tune* *laughs* OKAY, my turn! *tries to steal laptop*
Susanna: *Sneezes, wheezes and coughs*
Mercy:  Don't worry, she's not dying.  *Steals laptop from Susanna* Yay!
Susanna:  ARRRGGGGHHHH. I am dying.
Mercy:  Wow. This is going to be a long post. Anyway, it was very fun last night. We watched Inside Out--Susanna: And both agreed that the best thing to do was to sit and cry until we couldn't breath.
Mercy: We have to think positive!
Susanna: I"m positive this blog post isn't going anywhere
Mercy: Be quiet, Susanna.  Then  we drew huffy puffy fish and watched Studio C until One O'Clock last night.
Susanna: And this morning, we suffered an awful tragedy. The boys told us there were Dutch Babies downstairs to get us out of bed--and alas, what did we find when we eagerly ran to the kitchen? Cold cereal. Cheerios, to be exact.
Mercy: So, what did we do?  We watched a corny Movie and had chocolate mug cakes for breakfast!  Well, we better wrap this post up!

Susanna: Enjoy our glamorous photo. Adios amigos!
Mercy: Bye!

~Mercy and Susanna~


Days of the Week as People

We tagged ourselves, and so here we are, describing the days of the week as people!


The Rules:

Tag the person who tagged you.
Describe each day of the week as if it was a person.

Tag as many people you like.

Have fun!

Susanna's Monday in human form 

Monday is a frightfully sarcastic, and sometimes rude, woman. She's a short lady with a head of frizzled hair, and too much eye liner. Her clothing usually consists of yoga slacks and slippers. Monday relies heavily on coffee each day, as she has difficulty waking up, which often makes her a bit grouchy. 

Mercy's Tuesday in human form

Tuesday is a fast, college-age girl who is not glamorous in any way, shape, or form.  In her life, everything is fast.  Her common outfit consists of jeans, a tee-shirt and Keds.  Stress is the story of her life.  Her day is over with the snap of a finger.    

Susanna's Wednesday in human form

Wednesday is an elderly man. He has grey hair, carries a wooden cane with a gold top, and wears a jacket. You can typically find him in the city park surrounded by birds, which he feeds. He lives alone in a 40 foot-high studio apartment, where he enjoys painting landscapes, as well as people he secretly watches from his window.

Susanna's Thursday in human form 

Thursday is part of the beatnik club. He's middle aged, dresses in dark clothing, has a goatee, and always wears a black beret. He loves poetry, especially when it's jazzy. He's also a food snob, and hires out professional, French chefs everyday--that is, when he's not living at the local coffee shop. His neighbors regularly complain of his music hour; the hour when he plays the bongos. 

Mercy's Friday in human form

Friday is a 15-year-old girl.  She is very happy and cheery.  She loves to dress vintage or with the latest trends.  She is ALWAYS having a good time with a BIG smile on her face.  Her hobbies are art and writing poetry.  

Mercy's Saturday in human form

Saturday is a little 4-year-old who loves to scream NO!!!!!!  She can also be VERY sweet.  She is usually dressed in her light up shoes and pink tutu.  She is OBSESSED with princesses, but her mom is encouraging her to do sports.  

Susanna's Sunday in human form 

Sunday is a plump, baby boy with big, blonde curls that somewhat resemble uncut sheepdog's fur. He's quiet, with a charming-like demeanor. He always seems to be up to something, whether it's mimicking his mother's friends or stealing cookies. However, he does a perfect job in hiding this with a fiendish grin, and so seems like a sweet, adorable, baby boy. 


Big Beasts

Yay! Dorky animal post...

So, Mercy did let me write about one of my favorite animals; the liger. It's something I share in common with Napoleon Dynamite.

When someone asks, "what's the biggest cat," you probably say lion or tiger. In fact, people have been debating over which is bigger: lion or tiger?

Well, actually, it's both! Meet the liger--a mix of lion and tiger. 

Image result for ligers

Ligers weigh 1000 lb to 1500 lb. Pretty big! The average tiger only weighs about 500, and lions rarely get beyond 600. At birth, the mother tigress needs a C-section.

Image result for tigon images

Not to get these big beauties mixed up with their cousin, the tion:

Tions have a tiger father and lioness mother, while ligers are the other way around. There is also a big difference in size between these two. Tions weigh only 400 lb.

"It's pretty much my favorite animal. It's like a lion and a tiger mixed...bred for its skills in magic."

--Napoleon Dynamite


~ Susanna


      Fruit-by-the-foot competition..........

      How's it going? Just recently I challenged Susanna to a competition. The deal was we would both write letters to a candy company trying to get them to make more flavors, and send us samples to review. Here is the result of the letters:


      Hi fruit-by-the-foot men,

      Just wanted to let you know, I think it's time to change up your flavors of fruit-by-the-fruit. I think something seasonal like pumpkin would be really interesting! Also, could I request samples of the new flavors? I can taste test and give you feedback!


      Fruit-by-the-foot lover:) 

      P.S. Oh, what do you think about bigger rollups? :)


      Dear Fruit by the foot president,
      I am writing to you concerning your choice in flavors when making it.  I have constantly observed that you use the same three flavors every time: strawberry, color by the foot, and berry tie-dye.  I would like to suggest trying something like sour lemon or tropical coconut (I think those are catchy names). Considering that you already have lots of fans, why risk losing them because of lack of flavors?  I definitely would buy more of your products if you had other flavors.  Do you have plans for other flavors?  If you send me some samples and I will taste test them with my friends and will get back to you ASAP.  
      Thank you for considering my offer.  
      Mercy McEwen.  
